
For Idea Owner

Transform your idea into working business

Compete in the our ideas competition to solve the challenges of the modern technological landscape. DigitCapital offers you to join our accelerator to get up to $50 000 in seed capital, as well as mentorship and advice from our business experts.

Let’s change the world

We will assist you to develop in emerging markets and fast growing industries

Join entrepreneurs community

Contest aims to identify ideas on the early stage to develop business ventures that align with our strategy

Apply your idea

DigitCapital will enable your idea with capital and mentorship to make your dream happen

How to participate

An easy way to turn big idea into big and promising startup

Managing the idea

Tailor your idea to the market with our business model experts, become expert yourself

Economic stability

Stable and transparent Swiss company, that you can rely on through your startup lifecycle

Workable business solution

Adapt the idea to global business requirements and become eligible for even larger funding

Our Residents

Submit your project

Get up to $50 000 in seed capital!

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